Troubleshoot sending request errors

Last updated: Feb 3, 2025

This article contains some common errors or use cases you might run into when sending a message to Redox. It also might be helpful to use log inspector to find where the message ran into trouble. Learn how to run log inspector.

Sending a file

413 Payload Too Large
This error occurs if you try to embed a file over 10 MB. Try uploading a file and referencing instead. Learn more about sending a file.
You may also get this kind of error when sending other messages that don't include files. Refer to Redox size limits.
Error occurred while setting the permissions and/or timestamp
This may happen if you're sending a file via SFTP and you try to modify the timestamp or file permissions. Redox doesn't support timestamp or file permission changes. If you try to modify the file automatically, you'll still get an error back.
To successfully send the file to Redox, you'll either need to disable that automatic file change or turn on the "Ignore permission errors" option.
Source not found in provided organization/environment scope
This error occurs if you're using an OAuth API key with multiple sources but you haven't specified the source. Add the Redox-Source-Id to the header. See these examples:
Upload and reference a file (Redox Data Model API)

Delivery errors

If you're using log inspector, you may see an error in the deliveries step. You may assume there was a failure during Redox processing (i.e., in building the request or translating the response). However, if the response field shows an actual reply object, it means that Redox successfully delivered the request but the destination sent back an error.

Please know this isn’t us pointing fingers. Since knowledge is power, we want you to know where the error occurred so you can better troubleshoot.