This data model communicates patient demographic and clinical information from a referring provider to send the patient's case to another provider.
This typically differs from a consultation, where a provider may review a patient without assuming authority over the patient’s care. Referrals can be internal to an organization (e.g., from one department to another) or external between organizations.
A referral is useful to maintain the administrative aspects of a referral order. You can receive notifications when:
- A new referral order is placed.
- An existing referral order is modified or canceled.
- An authorization review is requested or responded to.
Or, you can search for referral orders based on a patient's demographic and insurance information.
Receive any matching referral order(s) based on the query parameters defined in Referral.Query. Any matches are listed in the Referrals array.
Request Body Schema
- Metarequired, object
- DataModelrequired, stringReliable
- EventTyperequired, stringReliable
- EventDateTimestring, nullReliable
Displays the UTC date and time that an outgoing request is delivered or an incoming request is received.
ISO 8601 Format - Testboolean, nullReliable
Indicates whether the request is a test or not.
- Sourceobject
Contains the information for the system initiating the message, including the source ID and name.
Included in messages from Redox- IDstring, nullReliable
Identifies the system initiating the message. If you have multiple OAuth API keys per environment type, this value is required. If you have only one OAuth API key per environment type, or you're using legacy API keys, this value is optional.
UUID - Namestring, nullReliable
Displays the name of the system initiating the message.
- DestinationsArray of object
Contains the information for the endpoint(s) receiving the request. A request must contain at least one destination, but asynchronous requests can have more than one destination. Synchronous requests like queries can only support one destination.
Required when sending data to Redox.- IDstring, nullReliable
Identifies the endpoint that the request is directed to.
UUID - Namestring, nullReliable
Displays the name of the endpoint that the request is directed to.
- LogsArray of object
Contains the log identifier(s) for the request.
- IDstring, nullReliable
Identifies the request log(s) that correspond to this request. You can use this value to locate the relevant log in the Redox dashboard for support and reference.
UUID - AttemptIDstring, nullReliable
Identifies the request log attempt value, which is useful when retries are possible.
- FacilityCodestring, nullPossible
Code for the facility related to the message.
Only use this field if a health system indicates you should. The code is specific to the health system's EHR and might not be unique across health systems. In general, the facility fields within the data models (e.g. OrderingFacility) are more reliable and informative.
- ReferralsArray of object
The list of referrals
- IDstring, nullReliable
The Health System ID of the referral
- IDTypestring, nullReliable
The ID type
- AlternateIDstring, nullReliable
The alternate ID of the referral, often used by external/3rd party systems
- Typestring, nullReliableValue Set
The type of the referral
- Categorystring, nullReliableValue Set
The category of the referral
- Prioritystring, nullReliableValue Set
The priority of the referral
- Statusstring, nullReliableValue Set
The status of the referral
- DateTimestring, nullReliable
The date and time the referral is considered active.
ISO 8601 Format - ExpirationDateTimestring, nullReliable
The date and time the referral expires.
ISO 8601 Format - ProcessDateTimestring, nullReliable
The date and time the referral was processed.
ISO 8601 Format - Reasonstring, nullProbableValue Set
The reason for the referral
- ProviderSpecialtystring, nullPossible
The provider specialty of the referral
- DepartmentSpecialtystring, nullPossible
The department specialty of the referral
- NotesArray of string
Referral Notes
- Authorizationobject
- Planobject
- IDstring, nullPossible
The ID of the plan
- IDTypestring, nullPossible
The ID type
- Namestring, nullPossible
The name of the plan
- Companyobject
- IDstring, nullPossible
The ID of the payor
- IDTypestring, nullPossible
The ID type
- Namestring, nullPossible
The name of the payor
- DateTimestring, nullPossible
The date and time the authorization is effective.
ISO 8601 Format - ExpirationDateTimestring, nullPossible
The date and time the authorization expires.
ISO 8601 Format - Numberstring, nullPossible
The identifier for the authorization assigned by the payor
- ReimbursementLimitstring, nullPossible
The reimbursement limit for this referral
- RequestedTreatmentCountstring, nullPossible
The number of treatments requested
- RequestedTreatmentUnitsstring, nullPossible
The units associated to the treatment count.
e.g. 'instances' or 'days' - AuthorizedTreatmentCountstring, nullPossible
The number of treatments authorized
- NotesArray of string
Notes about the authorizations
- DiagnosesArray of object
List of diagnoses
- Codestring, nullProbable
Code for the diagnoses
- Codesetstring, nullProbableValue Set
Code set used to identify the diagnoses.
One of the following: ICD-9, ICD-10, HCPCS, CPT - Namestring, nullProbable
Name of the diagnoses
- Typestring, nullPossibleValue Set
Type of the diagnosis
- DocumentedDateTimestring, nullPossible
DateTime the diagnoses was documented.
ISO 8601 Format - NotesArray of string
Notes about the diagnosis
- ProceduresArray of object
Ordered procedure
- Codestring, nullReliable
Code for the procedure
- Codesetstring, nullReliable
Code set used to identify the procedure.
CPT, HCPCS, SNOMED, or LOINC. If no code set is specified, a health system specific identifier is being used. - Descriptionstring, nullReliable
Description of the procedure
- NotesArray of string
Notes about the procedure
- Quantitystring, nullPossible
Number of instances for the procedure
- Unitsstring, nullPossible
Related units associated to the procedure quantity
- ModifiersArray of string
Associated procedure modifiers
- ProvidersArray of object
- IDstring, nullPossible
ID of the provider.
This ID is often required for Inpatient Visits. - IDTypestring, nullPossible
ID type of the ID for the provider
- FirstNamestring, nullPossible
First name of the undefined
- LastNamestring, nullPossible
Last name of the undefined
- CredentialsArray of string
List of credentials for the undefined.
e.g. MD, PhD - Addressobject
Provider's address
- StreetAddressstring, nullPossible
Street address
- Citystring, nullPossible
- Statestring, nullPossible
- ZIPstring, nullPossible
- Countystring, nullPossible
- Countrystring, nullPossibleValue Set
- EmailAddressesArray of string
Provider's email address(es)
- PhoneNumberobject
- Officestring, nullPossible
Provider's office phone number.
In E. 164 Format. (e.g. +16085551234)
- Typestring, nullPossibleValue Set
The type of provider
- ContactInfostring, nullPossible
Additional contact information for this provider
- Locationobject
Provider's location
- Typestring, nullPossible
Type of location.
Examples: Clinic, Department, Home, Nursing Unit, Provider's Office, Phone - Facilitystring, nullPossible
Example: Community Hospital - FacilityIdentifiersArray of object
List of IDs specific to this facility
- IDstring, nullPossible
An ID specific to this facility
- IDTypestring, nullPossible
The source or system to which this ID pertains.
Could be an OID or a human-readable name
- Departmentstring, nullPossible
- DepartmentIdentifiersArray of object
List of IDs specific to this department
- IDstring, nullPossible
An ID specific to this department
- IDTypestring, nullPossible
The source or system to which this ID pertains.
Could be an OID or a human-readable name
- Roomstring, nullPossible
Example: 136
- Visitobject
- VisitNumberstring, nullPossible
Visit Number.
Unique ID of the visit associated to the referral