This data model communicates real-time, immediate clinical decision support (CDS). Providers rely on the Request event type while vendors respond with the Response event type to complete the CDS workflow.
A clinical decision is useful when a provider wants to recommend alternative medications/procedures or identify drug interactions before placing an order.
This data model has event types that allow you to:
- request information from a third-party app offering CDS data; and
- return clinical insights, observations, and recommendations.
Initiate the CDS workflow by providing the required information to the third-party vendor offering clinical insights.
This event type contains the general format to provide CDS data, but it varies depending on use case and the EHR system's alert setup.
For example, an alternative medications alert might be configured to fire when a provider attempts to sign an order, or an alert regarding a possible chronic condition might fire based on a patient's vitals history when a new set is documented.
Request Body Schema
- Metarequired, object
- DataModelrequired, stringReliable
Clinical Decisions
- EventTyperequired, stringReliable
- EventDateTimestring, nullReliable
Displays the UTC date and time that an outgoing request is delivered or an incoming request is received.
ISO 8601 Format - Testboolean, nullReliable
Indicates whether the request is a test or not.
- Sourceobject
Contains the information for the system initiating the message, including the source ID and name.
Included in messages from Redox- IDstring, nullReliable
Identifies the system initiating the message. If you have multiple OAuth API keys per environment type, this value is required. If you have only one OAuth API key per environment type, or you're using legacy API keys, this value is optional.
UUID - Namestring, nullReliable
Displays the name of the system initiating the message.
- DestinationsArray of object
Contains the information for the endpoint(s) receiving the request. A request must contain at least one destination, but asynchronous requests can have more than one destination. Synchronous requests like queries can only support one destination.
Required when sending data to Redox.- IDstring, nullReliable
Identifies the endpoint that the request is directed to.
UUID - Namestring, nullReliable
Displays the name of the endpoint that the request is directed to.
- LogsArray of object
Contains the log identifier(s) for the request.
- IDstring, nullReliable
Identifies the request log(s) that correspond to this request. You can use this value to locate the relevant log in the Redox dashboard for support and reference.
UUID - AttemptIDstring, nullReliable
Identifies the request log attempt value, which is useful when retries are possible.
- FacilityCodestring, nullPossible
Code for the facility related to the message.
Only use this field if a health system indicates you should. The code is specific to the health system's EHR and might not be unique across health systems. In general, the facility fields within the data models (e.g. OrderingFacility) are more reliable and informative.
- Patientrequired, object
- Identifiersrequired, Array of object
List of IDs and ID types that identify the patient
- IDrequired, stringReliable
ID for the patient
- IDTyperequired, stringReliable
Type of ID.
- Demographicsobject
- FirstNamestring, nullReliable
Patient's first name
- MiddleNamestring, nullPossible
Patient's middle name or middle initial. For patients with multiple middle names, all their middle names are included in this field.
- LastNamestring, nullReliable
Patient's last name
- DOBstring, nullReliable
Patient's date of birth.
In ISO 8601 format - SSNstring, nullProbable
Patient's social security number
- Sexstring, nullReliableValue Set
Patient's sex
- Racestring, nullPossibleValue Set
Patient's race
- IsHispanicboolean, nullPossibleValue Set
Indicates if the patient is of hispanic origin.
- Religionstring, nullPossibleValue Set
Patient's religious affiliation
- MaritalStatusstring, nullPossibleValue Set
Patient's marital status
- IsDeceasedboolean, nullPossible
Indicates if the patient is deceased
- DeathDateTimestring, nullPossible
Date and Time the patient was proclaimed deceased.
ISO 8601 Format - PhoneNumberobject
- Homestring, nullProbable
Patient's home phone number.
In E. 164 Format. (e.g. +16085551234) - Officestring, nullProbable
Patient's office phone number.
In E. 164 Format. (e.g. +16085551234) - Mobilestring, nullProbable
Patient's mobile phone number.
In E. 164 Format. (e.g. +16085551234)
- EmailAddressesArray of string
Patient's email address(es)
- Languagestring, nullPossibleValue Set
Patient's primary spoken language.
In ISO 639-1 alpha values (e.g. 'en'). Supported Values - CitizenshipArray of string
Patient's nation(s) of citizenship.
In ISO 3166 alpha 2 format (e.g. 'US'). - Addressobject
Patient's home address
- StreetAddressstring, nullProbable
Street address
- Citystring, nullProbable
- Statestring, nullProbable
- ZIPstring, nullProbable
- Countystring, nullPossible
- Countrystring, nullPossibleValue Set
- NotesArray of string
Patient-level notes
- UnsignedMedicationOrdersrequired, Array of object
Array of unsigned medication orders
- Identifiersrequired, Array of object
Array of identifiers for the medication order
- IDrequired, stringReliable
ID of the medication order
- IDTyperequired, stringReliable
IDType of the medication order
- Frequencyobject
- Periodstring, nullProbable
How often the patient should be taking the medication.
UCUM Units of Measure - Unitstring, nullProbable
Units for how often the patient should be taking the medication
- Productobject
The actual medication given
- Codestring, nullReliable
- Codesetstring, nullReliable
Code set
- Namestring, nullReliable
- Prioritystring, nullPossible
Priority for taking this medication
- Doseobject
- Quantitynumber, nullPossible
The size of the dose for pills, capsules, etc.
- Unitsstring, nullPossible
The units of the dose.
UCUM Units of Measure
- Modestring, nullReliable
Mode in which the medication order was created.
IP/OP - Routenull, nullProbable
The method by which the medication is delivered.
Medication Route FDA Value Set - StartDatestring, nullReliable
When the medication was started.
ISO 8601 Format - EndDatestring, nullProbable
When the medication was ended.
ISO 8601 Format - MixtureTypestring, nullPossible
Type of mixture of the medication.
SimpleMed / IMSMixture / GenericMixture - MixtureComponentsArray of object
The individual components of a mixed medication
- Codestring, nullPossible
The code that identifies the component.
RxNorm code - CodeTypestring, nullPossible
Type of code sent in the code field.
RxNorm - Doseobject
- Quantitystring, nullPossible
Amount of this component added to the mixture
- Unitsstring, nullPossible
Units of the component added to the mixture.
UCUM Units of Measure
- QuestionsArray of object
Order-level questions
- Questionobject
Information about the question
- Codestring, nullProbable
Code for the question
- Codesetstring, nullProbable
Code set used to identify the question
- Descriptionstring, nullProbable
Description of the question
- Answerobject
Information about the answer
- Codestring, nullProbable
Code for the answer
- Codesetstring, nullProbable
Code set used to identify the answer
- Descriptionstring, nullProbable
Description of the answer
- NotesArray of string
Order-level notes
- UnsignedProcedureOrdersrequired, Array of object
Array of unsigned procedure orders
- Identifiersrequired, Array of object
Array of identifiers for the procedure order
- IDrequired, stringReliable
ID of the procedure order
- IDTyperequired, numberReliable
IDType of the procedure order
- Codestring, nullReliable
Code for the procedure
- Codesetstring, nullReliable
Code set used to identify the procedure
- Descriptionstring, nullReliable
Description of the procedure
- ScheduledDatestring, nullPossible
Scheduled date of the procedure
- Modestring, nullReliable
Mode in which the procedure order was created.
IP/OP - BodySiteobject
The location on the body where the procedure was performed
- Codestring, nullProbable
- Codesetstring, nullProbable
Code set
- Descriptionstring, nullProbable
- StartDatestring, nullReliable
When the procedure was started.
ISO 8601 Format - EndDatestring, nullProbable
When the procedure ended.
ISO 8601 Format - QuestionsArray of object
Order-level questions
- Questionobject
Information about the question
- Codestring, nullProbable
Code for the question
- Codesetstring, nullProbable
Code set used to identify the question
- Descriptionstring, nullProbable
Description of the question
- Answerobject
Information about the answer
- Codestring, nullProbable
Code for the answer
- Codesetstring, nullProbable
Code set used to identify the answer
- Descriptionstring, nullProbable
Description of the answer
- NotesArray of string
Order-level notes
- Sessionobject
- QuestionsArray of object
Questions answered by the ordering provider that apply to all of the orders in the CDS request.
- Questionobject
Information about the question
- Codestring, nullProbable
Code for the question
- Codesetstring, nullProbable
Code set used to identify the question
- Descriptionstring, nullProbable
Description of the question
- Answerobject
Information about the answer
- Codestring, nullProbable
Code for the answer
- Codesetstring, nullProbable
Code set used to identify the answer
- Descriptionstring, nullProbable
Description of the answer
- OrderingProviderobject
- IDstring, nullProbable
ID of the ordering provider.
This ID is often required for Inpatient Visits. - IDTypestring, nullProbable
ID type of the ID for the ordering provider
- FirstNamestring, nullPossible
First name of the ordering provider
- LastNamestring, nullPossible
Last name of the ordering provider
- CredentialsArray of string
List of credentials for the ordering provider.
e.g. MD, PhD - Addressobject
Provider's address
- StreetAddressstring, nullPossible
Street address
- Citystring, nullPossible
- Statestring, nullPossible
- ZIPstring, nullPossible
- Countystring, nullPossible
- Countrystring, nullPossibleValue Set
- EmailAddressesArray of string
Provider's email address(es)
- PhoneNumberobject
- Officestring, nullPossible
Provider's office phone number.
In E. 164 Format. (e.g. +16085551234)
- Locationobject
Provider's location
- Typestring, nullPossible
Type of location.
Examples: Clinic, Department, Home, Nursing Unit, Provider's Office, Phone - Facilitystring, nullPossible
Example: Community Hospital - FacilityIdentifiersArray of object
List of IDs specific to this facility
- IDstring, nullPossible
An ID specific to this facility
- IDTypestring, nullPossible
The source or system to which this ID pertains.
Could be an OID or a human-readable name
- Departmentstring, nullPossible
- DepartmentIdentifiersArray of object
List of IDs specific to this department
- IDstring, nullPossible
An ID specific to this department
- IDTypestring, nullPossible
The source or system to which this ID pertains.
Could be an OID or a human-readable name
- Roomstring, nullPossible
Example: 136
- AuthorizingProviderobject
- IDstring, nullPossible
ID of the authorizing provider.
This ID is often required for Inpatient Visits. - IDTypestring, nullPossible
ID type of the ID for the authorizing provider
- FirstNamestring, nullPossible
First name of the authorizing provider
- LastNamestring, nullPossible
Last name of the authorizing provider
- CredentialsArray of string
List of credentials for the authorizing provider.
e.g. MD, PhD - Addressobject
Provider's address
- StreetAddressstring, nullPossible
Street address
- Citystring, nullPossible
- Statestring, nullPossible
- ZIPstring, nullPossible
- Countystring, nullPossible
- Countrystring, nullPossibleValue Set
- EmailAddressesArray of string
Provider's email address(es)
- PhoneNumberobject
- Officestring, nullPossible
Provider's office phone number.
In E. 164 Format. (e.g. +16085551234)
- Locationobject
Provider's location
- Typestring, nullPossible
Type of location.
Examples: Clinic, Department, Home, Nursing Unit, Provider's Office, Phone - Facilitystring, nullPossible
Example: Community Hospital - FacilityIdentifiersArray of object
List of IDs specific to this facility
- IDstring, nullPossible
An ID specific to this facility
- IDTypestring, nullPossible
The source or system to which this ID pertains.
Could be an OID or a human-readable name
- Departmentstring, nullPossible
- DepartmentIdentifiersArray of object
List of IDs specific to this department
- IDstring, nullPossible
An ID specific to this department
- IDTypestring, nullPossible
The source or system to which this ID pertains.
Could be an OID or a human-readable name
- Roomstring, nullPossible
Example: 136