Table of Contents


The Results data model is used to exchange discrete clinical data with an EHR system. This is typically useful for saving a one-off value to a patient’s chart, which usually is the result of an order of some kind. This data shows up wherever results are housed in the EHR system. Some common examples of data to exchange with the Results data model are listed below:


  • general lab (discrete lab values)
  • microbiology (discrete, structured lab data pertaining to antibiotic sensitivities)
  • pathology (result reports after reviewing pathologic images)

Diagnostic imaging

  • radiology (result reports after reviewing radiologic images)
  • cardiology (result reports and/or discrete data after reviewing cardiology images)
  • urology (urination tests)
  • pulmonology (lung function test)
  • neurology (EEGs and result reports)
  • obstetrics (fetal echos and result reports)

Results data can be written as discrete data (e.g., lab values), text (e.g., pathology report), or other complex formats (e.g., PDF, JPEG, Word) to the EHR system, depending on their respective capability. If you're writing back a file, check out our recommendations for sending files.

The Results data model differs from the Flowsheet data model in that results are generally a one-time outcome of an order, whereas flowsheet data is continuous. Check out the Flowsheet data model if you want to regularly measure and report the same type of discrete data.

The Results data model has event types that are enabled for data on demand. Learn more about data on demand.