Table of Contents


The Notes data model is used to send plain text or rich text content to or from an EHR system, especially if you want to display it in the EHR context with advanced text parsing capabilities (e.g., NLP, searching of the chart). Typically this is non-structured documentation about a patient's clinical care. Notes can summarize actions taken in third-party apps and provide context for the patient’s chart in the EHR system. Alternatively, notes created in the EHR system may be sent outbound to apps for reference or analysis.

You can also send files or documents with the Media and Results data models. Learn more about how to send a file with different data models.

EHR systems with robust interfacing capabilities typically support the Notes data model via an MDM HL7v2 interface or proprietary API.

The Notes data model has event types that are enabled for data on demand. Learn more about data on demand.